Miller Success Factors Assessment

To effectively grow requires that your people understand how they operate around the 9 Success Mindsets.

Self-knowledge is important for success. It is key to becoming an effective leader. If the leaders in your organization have a better understanding of their strengths, they have a better understanding of how they operate—in their work, among their peers, and in the world.


Miller Success Factor Assessment (MSFA)

We developed the Miller Success Factor Assessment (MSFA)—an integral piece of our
Success-Minded Leader programsto provide a personalized, in-depth analysis of their unique strengths and talents.

The analysis report includes an overview of the 9 Success Mindsets uncovered in Dr. Julie Miller’s extensive research with successful, high-achieving individuals. It provides scores that show:

    • Core strengths
    • What those mindsets reveal about them as a leader
    • Why the mindsets are important assets
    • How overuse of the mindsets could become liabilities to their success
    • Best practices for skill development.


Mini-Miller Success Factors Assessment

To give you a sense for how the assessment works, we have developed a mini-MSFA which provides you insight into
“The Big Three” Success Mindsets:
Vision, Passion and Perseverance.

Take it now!

Purchase the Full Miller Success Factors Assessment ($149)

Upon purchase of this product, you will be emailed a link to complete a 20-30 minute assessment. Once you complete your assessment, a Certified Success-Minded Leader Coach will arrange a 30-minute coaching session (at no additional charge) to review your analysis report.

This 34-page analysis report includes an overview of the
9 Success Mindsets uncovered in Dr. Julie Miller’s extensive research with successful, high-achieving individuals.

Purchase it now!

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like to take the assessment?

I use the Miller Success Factor Assessment as a tool with my personal branding clients. It is a great way to help a person identify their core strengths, so that I can build on them further. Being able to really see where an individual's talents lie is a powerful tool in helping them find their professional niche."
- Peg M.